Remote Valve-Control Metering Solution

Our Remote Valve-Control Metering Solution provides utilities with a powerful tool to enhance financial management. Equipped with an integrated ball valve (for residential meters) or butterfly valve (for bulk meters), this solution enables water authorities to remotely shut off (completely or partially) the water supply when payments are overdue. By streamlining billing enforcement, this solution significantly improves the utility's financial position and operational efficiency

Prepayment function can be realized too, customers purchase credit in advance, which can be done through various methods, such as online payments, or at designated payment locations. If the prepaid balance is exhausted, the meter automatically restricts water supply until the customer adds more credit.


  Water Meter  B97 VPW, B91 VPW
  Communication type  LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, 4G, Sigfox (For prepayment function only LoRaWAN available)
  Software ALPACA-E smart data management platform or others compatible AMI system